Our Process

We understand that financial planning and management is an ongoing process, that's why we've developed this roadmap to creating, preserving, and transferring wealth:

  1. Discovery

    We put in the time and effort to understand you and your goals.

    Getting to Know You
  2. Strategy

    We use the knowledge gained in discovery to craft the best plan to achieve your goals.

    Making the Plan
  3. Implementation

    We carry out the plan in a way that accommodates your needs, and accomplishes your goals.

    Working the Plan
  4. Communication

    We meet regularly to keep you informed, and get your input.

    Staying in touch


  • We complete a thorough analysis of your finances (bank statements, investment accounts, mortgage, loans/debt, cash flow, etc).
  • We then go beyond the facts and figures to understand what motivates your personal, professional, and financial decisions and planning.
  • We evaluate your tolerance for risk and your reaction to various market scenarios to ensure your investment strategy is true to you.
  • We conduct an estate analysis to ensure there are no blind spots in your current estate plan.


  • For those saving for retirement: We create an overall financial plan that includes savings strategies, tax efficiency, cash flow, asset growth, benefits optimization, and charitable giving (if applicable).
  • For those approaching retirement: You are nearing the finish line. Your strategy needs to take in consideration the impact of the market over the next few years as well as the rest of your life. We create a financial plan taking advantage of IRS allowed maximum savings opporunities, pre-retiree protection strategies, debt reduction, and addressing other risks to your retirement to ensure you stick the landing when that time comes.
  • For those in retirement: The rules have changes for you...so should your investment strategy. We craft personal income and investment strategies to address your fundamental expenses needs, your discretionary spending, and any legacy/estate planning needs you may have for future generations.


  • Once we know you, we have developed a plan customized to you, we implement your financial plan and investment strategy
  • This is the step in the process where we take your vision for the future and take the steps necessary to make that vision a reality.


  • We meet regularly to review your plan and adapt it to accommodate developments in your life and changes in the markets.
  • We also meet annual meeting to review the overall financial plan and evaluate progress toward your financial goals.